रविवार, 24 सितंबर 2023

Best & Most Healthiest fruit in the world

Nature has given many different colour, taste ,shape and seasonal fruits but in India there is a fruit that is not so tasty by taste but bitter sour . 
This fruit is called 'Amla'which is called in english "Indian Gooseberry ".It looks small in size ,round shape and green yellow colour . 
In Ayurveda ,This is recommended one of the best fruit to cure and fulfill body supliments like vitamin C . 
If we eat 10 orange to get that vitamin C , 1 Amla is just enough to compare with Orange. 
Amla has many useful advantage for human being .
1. Control body glucose level and save us from being victim of diabetes . 

2. Plenty of Vitamin C to get source for our body. 

3.It helps improve skin smoothness and  hair growth . 

4. It improves Kidney, liver,heart problem if consumes daily with good quantity.

5. It Promotes Digestive health.

There are so on benifit of taking this Amla . 
Amla can be eaten rough , in chutney style or like dried fruit. 

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